Planet Manhasset, a newly formed SCA Executive Committee, began in September 2007. We are dedicated to researching and implementing ways to adopt a greener living philosophy in our four schools, homes, and community. Our goal is to introduce programs to help the schools and community reduce re-use, and recycle.
Several of our accomplishments the last two years:
Through the Green Gear subcommittee, Planet Manhasset reduced the amount of plastic bottles, plastic bags, and paper snack bags discarded daily in the elementary schools. Reusable stainless steel bottles, recycled washable cotton snack sacks, “wrap-n-mat” sandwich wrappers, and canvas totes were introduced and made available for purchase.
The Middle School/High School subcommittee met with the Middle School student government and representatives and the Student Senate to get feedback on the concept of reusable water bottles. A larger model stainless steel bottle with the Manhasset “M” logo was created and is now for sale at the High School Outpost and Manhasset Sporting Goods in town.
The Public Relations subcommittee helped spread the word about Planet Manhasset in the Manhasset Press, as well as write a monthly eco-newsletter called, "Simply Green," which is available on the SCA website.
The Earth Friendly Schools subcommittee presented to the Board of Education a "no-idling" policy for both buses and cars, which was adopted into our official by-laws. Last year, “No idling zones” were instituted at all schools in the district with signage. They also introduced to the district facilities department low-VOC paints, which were immediately embraced.
The Middle School/High School subcommittee secured permission and funding for a new student “Green Club” whose mission will closely mirror that of Planet Manhasset but is completely student driven. A hand-held electronics recycling effort with Kids and Cars was coordinated last year with the Green Club.
Planet Manhasset has organized an annual Christmas Tree recycling event over the last two years where over 260 trees were brought in for recycling.
The Middle School/High School subcommittee for the past two years has secured speakers for the Secondary School students. Shino Tanikawa, a speaker from Al Gore’s climate change organization, showed a variation of “An Inconvenient Truth” to 8th-12th grade science classes followed by explaining actions students can engage in to make a difference in our world.
Patti Woods from Grassroots Environmental Education held an assembly for the Middle School students entitled, “I’ll have the Plastic Fish Special Please” which focused on informing students of the harmful effects of plastics in the environment and its effects on our bodies.
The Recycling subcommittee worked with the Town Of North Hempstead towards introducing a recycling program for paper and plastics in the schools throughout the district. They worked with principals and SCA chairs to reduce the amount of notices sent home through an online email system to replace the backpack express.
The Computer Geeks, a temporary committee by design, worked with the principals and SCA chairs to reduce the amount of notices sent home through an online email system to replace the backpack express.
The Special Events subcommittee helped set-up and execute recycling at large-scale school and community events such as International Night, Lacrosse Day of Champions and the SCA Fair.