At the beginning of the 2007/2008 school year, the SCA introduced Planet Manhasset, a new eco-committee dedicated to discovering and sharing new ways we can successfully adapt a greener living philosophy in our schools, homes and community.  Middle School and High School teachers, students, administrators and parents were actively involved in helping launch Planet Manhasset and thanks to their enthusiasm and support we were able to accomplish quite a bit our first year out.  A few of our more notable successes include:

  1. Introducing reusable water bottles with the Manhasset “M” logo for sale at the Outpost and Manhasset Sporting Goods.

  2. Securing a guest speaker from Al Gore’s Climate Change organization who showed a variation of “An Inconvenient Truth” to 8th-12th grade Earth Science, Living Environment and Environmental Science classes followed by simple actions students could take to make a difference.

  3. Acquiring permission from and funding for a new student “Green Club” whose mission will closely approximate that of Planet Manhasset but will be completely student driven.

If you would like to be a part of the Middle School/High School Planet Manhasset committee or have thoughts on other activities that could be targeted to or involve students, please contact one of the following Co-Chairs, Lisa Siconolfi and Peg Markham.

With your help we hope to provide our teenagers with many opportunities to effect positive environmental change at the Secondary School and beyond.