The SCA’s purpose is to promote close cooperation between teachers and parents, school and community and to further at all times the best interests of and highest advantages in physical, mental, social and ethical education of our young people.

In order to accomplish this, the SCA has formed many wonderful committees that target specific areas of a child’s experience at their school.  These committees plan events and special programs held throughout the year that give school children of our district an opportunity to enjoy extracurricular activities and enrich their school experience:

All Schools
Superintendent's Day Breakfast - September
Photo Days - September and October
School Directories - October
Fall Luncheon - November
Champions for Charity - November - December
Family Theatre - March
SCA Fair - May
Staff Appreciation Lunch - May
Staff Retirement Reception - June

Munsey Park and Shelter Rock
Ambassador Program (Shelter Rock)
Ice Cream Social (Munsey Park) - September
Spirit Wear Sales
Saturday Series Winter Sessions
Extended Extras Fall and Spring Sessions
Halloween Party - October
Guess Who's Coming to Read - January
Book Fair - March
Health and Wellness Week
Go Green Week - April
Sixth Grade Trip - June
Sixth Grade Promotional Assembly - June
Sixth Grade Promotional Dance - June

Middle School
Opening Day Picnic - September (7th Grade only)
Photo Days & IDs - September
Welcome Back Dance - September
Halloween Party - October

High School
Senior Portraits - September
Photo Days & IDs - September
Senior Banquet - November
Class Dances
Speaker's Bureau
Senior Frolic - June
Summer Studies